Happy New Year

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In many ways, January 1st is just like any other day. And yet it’s not.
When I used a paper planner, a new year meant a fresh new book full of blank pages to be filled. That’s one of the things I miss, now that my calendar is on my computer (and synch’d with my tablet and my phone).
But there’s still something about transitioning from a holiday schedule (whether it’s a work slowdown or time off, lots of activities or quiet time at home) back to a regular routine that makes this day feel like the right time to remove a lot of “some day maybe” tasks from my to-do list, delete emails I’m never going to read, and generally think about ways to make life better.
One of the downsides of running a home-based business doing something I love is that it’s too easy to work more hours than I need to. I try to justify it by saying it’s fun, but I’ve realized that enjoying my work does not negate the need to have other interests. I’m in no hurry to retire, but a time will come when I want to, and then how will I spend my days? And really, why should I wait until I retire to get away from my desk?
Starting this year, I will not allow myself to sit down at my computer outside of working hours unless I have a specific task in mind — and that’s how I’ll create time for my favourite pastimes:
- Reading — I already read quite a bit, but it’s mostly fiction at bedtime. I’ve had The Happiness Project for years and haven’t got around to reading it. I also have a few business books, like The Way You Do Anything is the Way You Do Everything, which I’ve been meaning to get to, and focusing on one of those would be a much better use of my time than reading random stuff online. Why not spend the odd Sunday afternoon on the couch with a good book?
- Photography — I toyed with the idea of doing a photo-a-day challenge, but quickly realized it wasn’t something I’d maintain. Back before everyone had a camera built into their phone, I was always the one who took pictures at various gatherings and events, but somewhere along the line, I just stopped. I want to do more of that, but having been inspired by my sister’s November Beauty blog post, I also want to capture some of the beauty in the world around me.
- Yoga — I started taking classes this past fall, after a few years’ hiatus. I intend to continue and maybe (big maybe) even do yoga at home from time to time.
- Shopping — Generally speaking, I only go to a store when there’s something I need. Sure, that’s good for the bank account, but there are lots of things that aren’t necessities, but would still be nice to have. And what’s the point of having a profitable business if you can’t enjoy the fruits of your labour once in a while? Maybe I’ll be more motivated to get out there if I keep in mind that there are lots of lovely local shops I can check out instead of going to the Mall (which isn’t usually very satisfying).
Although I’ll be continuing to strive for improvements in my business life and my physical health, it’s time for me to feed my spirit as well… time to get away from my desk.

Janet Barclay
I eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, cooking, watching movies, drinking tea, and spending time with my family.
You are so on the mark Janet! I’m kind of in the same boat. I use a planner for some things but not for others. I used it when I worked out of the home and tried using it when I started back online, but it didn’t pan out so well due to travel and surgery. I had nothing really to plan.
Also, since coming back home to work and to get my body back into shape from surgery, I’m realizing that I only read online and bounce around doing it at that. Some of the reading is good for me but most just waste my time. And now that the doctor has signed off… I get to start back to the gym.
I need to get back into a routine. School helps with that. Scheduling something that forces you to have a reason to get up in the morning is pivotal for me. How about you?
I definitely need routines. If I don’t start the day knowing what I’m going to do, I’m apt to spend a good part of it trying to decide or bouncing around as you describe. I also love the feeling of saying “that was a good day” whether it was productive or fun (or even both) so that’s why I want to cut down on the bouncing as much as possible.
I’m glad to hear you’ve made a good recovery and wish you all the best in the next leg of your life journey.
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