Happy 20th Anniversary, Book Club Babes!

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This month I had the joy of attending a very special celebration — the 20th anniversary of my book club. I don’t know how long most book clubs last, but I think 20 years is quite an achievement, especially considering the fact that four of the current six members have been there since the start.
Two of the original members are friends I met when I was only 7 years old. I lost touch with them a few years after we graduated from high school, but I reconnected with them (as well as another school friend who was an original book club member but has moved out of the area) at our high school reunion about 5 years ago.
Having these women back in my life and quickly forming friendships with the other members has been a wonderful experience for me. I wrote about the many ways the book club has enhanced my life on Introvert Retreat, so I won’t get into that here.
Instead, I’d like to send out a virtual hug to my special friends.
And I have to say something about the amazing cake! I like cake, but I don’t love it, and I’ve never been that fond of chocolate cake. This, however, was unlike any cake I’ve ever tasted before — it was so light and fluffy! My friends told me that Dufflet makes the best cakes. I’d never heard of them before, but was happy to discover I can get them in Hamilton at Starsky Fine Foods.
Do you belong to a book club? Please leave a comment – I’d love to hear about how your club was formed, the types of books you discuss, and perhaps some of your favourite titles!

Janet Barclay
I eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, cooking, watching movies, drinking tea, and spending time with my family.
Loved the blog post and sending you a virtual hug right back! When I started the book club I had no idea we’d still be reading, dining and enjoying great discussions 20 years later. So glad that you’ve joined and made it even better
Thanks, Marilyn, for your comment and for welcoming me into the group, even though I said “no” quite a few times before I said “yes!”
[…] sale or secondhand, or reading something that’s been passed down or lent to me. In addition, my book club chooses books that have been around a while to ensure that we have no trouble getting them from the […]
[…] as the idealistic young teacher who turned her students’ lives around, so I suggested it to my book club. I hope they enjoy […]
[…] books to last me forever, but I have enough to keep me going for a few months at least. Between my book group, the Reading Challenge I’m taking part in, books that have been lent or given to me, those […]