Janet Barclay

I'm Janet Barclay. This is my blog.

This is my space to share helpful tips for enhancing your website. My passion for blogging goes way back to 2006, and from time to time, I also delve into other business topics and personal interests.

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Will 2024 be your year to shine?


Happy Everything

Wishing you all the joys of the season - Janet Barclay

Planning for Your Best Year Ever

Business woman celebrating her best year ever

Join me for a cup of tea!

Tea set with tulips

Using Your Keywords

using keywords in website content

Free Keyword Research Tools

A graphic depicting keyword research tools

Keyword Research: Getting Started

Photo of a woman conducting keyword research on a laptop

Keyword Research: What You Need to Know

Picture of a computer keyboard with a blue search key

Technology, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways…

computer keyboard with a heart on one key

What kind of website do you need?

woman viewing a website on a laptop by the pool

Everything You Need to Know about Broken Links [updated 2023]

Broken links

How much does a website cost, and how long does it take?

Graphic of a calendar and clock, referring to the question "How long does it take to create a website?"