In the Spotlight

Janet Barclay

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It’s always an honour to be mentioned in someone else’s blog, and it's one that I received three times last month.

My Thoughts on Life Balance

First, Linda Samuels of Oh! So Organized asked me and 11 others to respond to and elaborate on this prompt:

If I had less ________, I’d feel more balanced.

You can read all our answers in Linda’s blog post, 12 Amazing Ways to Mix Balance into Your Life by Doing Less.

My Entrepreneurial Journey

Next, Team Subkit included me in their series of interviews with small business entrepreneurs and founders.

You can read my interview in their blog post, Website Caregiver - Janet Barclay.

My Resource Recommendation

Obviously I knew about the others ahead of time, since I had to provide some input, but the third one was a wonderful surprise. It’s always nice when a reader lets me know they enjoyed or found value in something I posted on my blog, and even nicer when they let THEIR readers know!

I was delighted to discover that Julie Bestry liked my post, Set Your Compass to Reach Your Goals for the New Year, so much that she included it in her resource round-up blog post, Review & Renew for 2022: Resolutions, Goals, and Words of the Year. Julie is a thorough researcher, so if you’re looking for tips and tools to help you complete your year-end review or new-year planning, you’ll want to check it out even if you’ve already read my post.

Closing Thoughts

Big thanks to Linda, Evelyn from Subkit, and Julie, for the features, and to all my readers who take time out of their busy schedules to read my posts.

Thanks also to Susanna Miles, because I'd never have been able to take the featured image on this post if I hadn't gone through her fun and informative Selfie Upgrade Course.

Casual Photo of Janet Barclay

Janet Barclay

I eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, cooking, watching movies, drinking tea, and spending time with my family.

Join the Conversation!


  1. Linda Samuels on January 20, 2022 at 5:38 pm

    Janet- Congrats on all of the awesome mentions. But it’s no surprise that we want to talk about you. You do so much to promote organizers and the industry. It’s just one extra way I can say thank YOU for all that you do for us. I always appreciate your perspective and contributions to the conversations and blog posts.

  2. Laura on January 24, 2022 at 7:56 am

    Thanks for your continued posts that we all enjoy and all that you do for everyone else as well!! 🙂

    • Janet Barclay on January 24, 2022 at 12:42 pm

      It’s my pleasure, Laura – thanks for stopping by!

  3. Sabrina Quairoli on January 24, 2022 at 10:47 am

    Congratulations, Janet! It’s no wonder why you get acknowledged! You always share lovely and useful knowledge that I can easily implement in my small business without too much effort. It’s the reason I come back week after week. =)

  4. Jana Arevalo on January 24, 2022 at 10:51 am

    How wonderful to be mentioned and acknowledged! You deserve it, and thank you for all that you do. I’ve only been a group member for a couple of months, but I’ve gained momentum, inspiration and community all thanks to you!

    • Janet Barclay on January 24, 2022 at 12:46 pm

      I’m so glad to hear that, Jana! It’s my pleasure to do all those things.

  5. Seana Turner on January 24, 2022 at 11:00 am

    That photo came out so well – well done!

    Isn’t this a wonderful community of supportive and encouraging people? I love how you support all of us, and you definitely return some “love” for all you do, and also because what share is always so helpful!

    • Janet Barclay on January 24, 2022 at 12:47 pm

      I am so glad I took Susanna’s course – it is so fun taking selfies now and it lets me have new photos much more often.

      Thank you for your very kind words and ongoing support.

  6. Julie Bestry on January 24, 2022 at 2:30 pm

    Well, I’m blushing at the mention of my writing, but more importantly, when Subkit had interviewed me a few months ago, I’d given them your name as a great opportunity for a profile. You seemed like an obvious choice for a profile — you’re a star! (And I know I’m not the only one who thinks of you when we hear “successful entrepreneur.”) You deserve all the attention you get. You’re an amazing support and resource for our profession, and you’re just plain fabulous.

    • Janet Barclay on January 25, 2022 at 12:38 pm

      Okay, you have to stop now, while my head still fits through the doorway…

      Thank you for giving Subkit my name, mentioning me in your blog, and the many other ways you’ve supported me since we connected oh-so-many years ago!

  7. Stacey Agin Murray on January 24, 2022 at 9:10 pm

    Three mentions in one month? Congratulations! It doesn’t come as a surprise. And I love your selfie. There’s something about black & white photography that’s so beautiful and timeless–great choice!

    • Janet Barclay on January 25, 2022 at 12:37 pm

      I know what you mean about black and white photography – when I look at coloured selfies I think they look too busy and almost garish! 😀

      And thank you for your kind words – it means a lot to me!

  8. Lucy Kelly on January 25, 2022 at 4:18 pm

    I’m glad you’re getting the recognition you deserve, Janet! What a beautiful, heart-centered photo of you, I love it.

  9. Julie Stobbe on January 25, 2022 at 5:08 pm

    You are so knowledgeable it is no wonder people are quoting you. If you weren’t sure before this you are now that you help many many people in all walks of life. Today as I was preparing a blog for next week I saw a post from 2014 where I interviewed you for my blog.

    • Janet Barclay on January 26, 2022 at 12:55 pm

      That’s so funny – I was remembering that just the other day! I think things have changed a lot for me since then.

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