What’s Your WordPress Personality? [quiz]

wordpress personality

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Did you know that approximately over 40% of the internet is powered by WordPress? That makes it the most popular software in the world for building websites! It also means there’s a one-in-three chance that you’re using WordPress for your site.

Website owners come in all shapes and sizes, so I decided to create a fun quiz to see how involved you are with your site – your “WordPress Personality” as it were!

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Because WordPress is so popular, using it means you have access to a worldwide network of experts who can offer guidance or hands-on assistance with your site. Isn’t that a blessing?

But popularity can also be a curse – just ask any politician or celebrity who’s been the victim of stalking or death threats!

In the same way, WordPress’ popularity makes it a target for hackers who seek out sites with weak passwords, insecure plugins, and other vulnerabilities.

Does that mean you shouldn’t use WordPress after all?

No way! Life’s full of risks, but you do what you need to do to protect yourself. For example:

  • You don’t spend 50 hours on a client project hoping you’ll get paid eventually – you require a deposit and/or a signed agreement.
  • You don’t close your email account because a scammer sends you a threatening message – you use a spam filter and exercise common sense.
  • You don’t sell your car because you might get in an accident if you drive it - you obey the rules of the road, pay attention to what other drivers are doing, and keep your insurance policy up-to-date.

I’m sure you get my point.

[click_to_tweet tweet="The popularity of WordPress means you have access to a worldwide network of experts who can offer guidance or hands-on assistance with your site. " quote="The popularity of WordPress means you have access to a worldwide network of experts who can offer guidance or hands-on assistance with your site. " theme="style3"]

Even though WordPress is the most hacked Content Management System out there, the majority of attacks could have been avoided by using stronger passwords and keeping the plugins, themes, and WordPress installation up-to-date.

If you’ve got a regular backup and update process in place for your WordPress site, that’s great! You shouldn’t have to worry.

But if you don’t, why are you taking unnecessary risks with your valuable investment?

Is it because you don’t know how to look after your site?

I bet you don’t service your own furnace or test your family members for serious diseases! Unless you’re a trained professional, you call on an expert.

Is it because you don’t have time?

Who says you have to do it yourself? Life will nearly always give you more to do than time to do it – especially if you own a business. Sometimes outsourcing is the only way to go!

If you think you can’t afford to pay for website maintenance, ask yourself how much business you’d stand to lose if you site was down for a few hours – or a few days!

To learn more about potential issues and how to avoid them, read WordPress Security and You.

Quiz created with Interact quiz builder.
Featured Image by Alexander Gounder from Pixabay.

WordPress Personality
Casual Photo of Janet Barclay

Janet Barclay

I eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, cooking, watching movies, drinking tea, and spending time with my family.

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  1. Linda Samuels on April 15, 2019 at 8:21 am

    I use Squarespace instead of WordPress and like it a lot. At some point, I’ll need to update my sites, but I’m not ready yet for the time and investment. When the time comes, I’ll definitely get help from a professional web designer. Once things are revised, I’ll able to update them myself, add content, etc…, but setting up and redesigning the site is not my strength.

    I agree with you that having a pro involved is the way to go. I know that you support so many entrepreneurs with their websites. You’re a wonderful resource!

  2. Seana Turner on April 15, 2019 at 10:14 am

    I came out as as “Adventurer.” I don’t want to outsource the whole thing, and I like being able to do things myself. I am working up to a redo of my website, beginning to consider what matters to me, what content I want, etc. I’ve been reading your posts about these things, so I know I need to have my ducks in a row in order to make the process go smoothly. Thanks for all your advice, Janet!

    • Janet Barclay on April 15, 2019 at 12:21 pm

      I’m always happy to share useful tips!

  3. Sabrina Quairoli on April 15, 2019 at 12:48 pm

    The Quiz said I was a WordPress Pro. But, with all the changes that WordPress is doing now, I feel like I am starting from the beginning again. I find that getting on mailing lists that communicate changes from WordPress or the Theme provider, helps keep me in the know of what will be happening in the future. It’s better than waiting until something breaks your site and having to figure out how to correct the issue.

    • Janet Barclay on April 16, 2019 at 12:26 pm

      That’s a great approach, Sabrina. There is a lot of information out there for those who have the time and inclination to stay on top of these things.

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