Showcase your Media Mentions to Establish your Credibility

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Media coverage is an excellent way to get your name in front of potential clients without investing in expensive advertising. Having your business mentioned on the air, in print, or online can drive traffic to your website. This is great, of course, but it usually dies off shortly afterwards. Fortunately, you can get more out of the experience by adding a Media page to your website.
What exactly is a Media page?
A Media page, sometimes referred to as a Press page or News page, is a section of your website where you post links to articles written about you, articles or guest posts you’ve written for other websites, guest appearances on TV, radio, or podcasts, and other such items.
What are the benefits of a Media page?
Being quoted or mentioned as an expert in your field shows that someone (other than you) values your knowledge. As a result, potential clients will be more likely to trust you.
It can also help to generate further media exposure, as members of the press are more likely to want to connect with you when they can see that you’ve been featured before.
What should I put on my Media page?
As mentioned above, you’ll want to include links to all the places where you’ve been mentioned or featured online.
You can leverage any offline media appearances by listing them on your page, especially if it’s a well-recognized publication or program. You might be tempted to upload a scanned magazine article or recorded video of your TV appearance, but make sure you get permission first – you don’t want to break any copyright laws.
After a few years, you may find that you’ve had too many media mentions to include them all without overwhelming your reader. In this case, feature only the most impressive and/or most recent ones.
If, in addition to establishing your credibility, you’re hoping to attract more media attention, you’ll benefit by including some additional details on this page, including:
- A brief bio – you may wish to link it to the longer bio on your About page
- A downloadable headshot
- Selected reviews or testimonials
- Your areas of expertise
- Information about any books you’ve written or products you’ve created, including images
Check out Creating an Effective Online Press Page on Practical Ecommerce to see some sample media pages.
But I haven’t had any media appearances yet!
You definitely don’t want to add a page with nothing on it, but don’t worry! Your website is always going to be a work-in-progress, and can put this on your list of things to consider down the road.
It’s not easy, but there are many ways to attract media attention. That’s really beyond the scope of this blog, but here are a couple that have worked for me:
- Send out a press release if you have something unique and newsworthy to share. I’ve been featured on TV and in local newspapers as a result of doing this.
- Sign up for HARO (Help a Reporter Out) to receive media queries by email. I’ve been featured in various blogs and even books as a result of responding to HARO requests. I also forward relevant queries to my regular clients, many of whom have also been successful with this method.
Next Steps
- If you have a Media page that you’re proud of, please post a link to it in the Comments.
- If you don’t yet have a Media page, start compiling a list of items you can include.
- If you haven’t had any media appearances, think of ways to attract their attention.
- Schedule a telephone call or Zoom session if you’d like to talk to me about your Media page.
Previous posts in this series:
- Is your website giving you strong results? Creating an Effective Homepage or Welcome Page
- Creating an About Page that Clicks
- How to Create an Effective Contact Page
- How to Create a Captivating Blog Page
- Do you have (or need) a Privacy Policy?
- How to Create a Services Page that Sells
- How to Make Your Products Pages More Irresistible
- Attract new clients with a powerful testimonials page
- Create a portfolio page that shows the impact of your work
- Tie your website together with an FAQ page
Image credit: Madebyvadim

Janet Barclay
I eliminate stress for my clients by hosting, monitoring, and maintaining their WordPress sites so they don’t have to worry about security, downtime or performance issues. When I’m away from my desk, I enjoy reading, photography, cooking, watching movies, drinking tea, and spending time with my family.
I have a media page that includes outbound links to the places I’ve been featured. It’s organized into three categories- radio/podcasts, TV/Video podcasts, and blog posts. I do include a lot, and to your point, should consider curating the list.
Here’s a link to my media page:
Thanks for sharing, Linda! That’s a pretty impressive page! If you wanted to streamline the list but keep all the information, you could put selected highlights on this page with a link to the complete list.
Thank you, Janet. I’ve been “collecting” for a while. You make a great point about streamlining the list and keeping the “best of” there with a link to the “complete” list. I’m seriously considering it. Thank you for the nudge.
Let me know if you do that!
Just last week, I updated the links on my Media page to reflect the newest articles I’ve been quoted in. I, too am signed up for HARO and have been quoted in many articles because of it.
Here’s the link to my media page:
That’s great, Stacey! I’m especially pleased that you linked to the Productivity & Organizing Blog Carnival and Your Organizing Business. I bet you didn’t know you had your own author page there.
My blog is still very new, but I hope to someday get to this point. I think it’s a great idea! I’ve tossed around the idea of HARO but this serves as inspiration to finally check it out. Thank you!
If you don’t find it helpful, you can always unsubscribe. You have nothing to lose!
I used to submit to HARO, and got a few brief mentions, but now that I have a more busy schedule, I haven’t been doing it. Maybe if we lockdown again, I can reactivate this. I don’t have a bunch of mentions yet, and I live in the NYC metro market, but not in NYC, which is kind of tricky for coverage. The CT media is based about 2 hours north, so some of my fellow organizers in that area are really rocking that. Good for them!
I totally get what you’re saying – I often see queries that specify they want someone in NYC. Even if they only say “preferably” they probably won’t have any problem finding someone who meets the criteria.
I have a media page. I do subscribe to HARO and have answered some of their queries but have yet to be successful.
It looks like you’ve done pretty well even without their help, Diane!
Great tips! I am going to check out HARO. Thanks for the suggestion and link.
I think you’ll find it a valuable resource for yourself and your clients.
What a great idea to put your press kit (bio, headshot, testimonials, etc.) on your media page (which I call my Press Room: How streamlined!
And while I’ve used and been a subscriber (and get all the multi-daily emails) from HARO, I haven’t clicked to open a single one since the pandemic started. I think it’s time to get back to basics. Thanks for the wisdom, Janet!
Aaaaand, this reminds me that I had October and November Real Simple mentions that I haven’t gotten around to listing on my page. Gee, whiz, Janet, you’re an inspiration!
Always happy to help!
There have actually been a LOT of queries during – and specific to – the pandemic, so you just might want to start opening those emails!
Hey, I don’t see your guest post for Your Organizing Business on that list!
This is something I hadn’t considered before, and I’ve been ignoring my HARO emails lately. I envision a bit of an overhaul in my future – great suggestions!
That’s exciting – I can’t wait to see what you come up with.
I don’t have a media page per say, but all the information you talked about is spread throughout my website.
And you have a media section on your Learn More page!